Biographical dictionary of 254 Islamic scholars (11th-15th century), their writings and their academies, including a 22-page excerpt in Arabic from Ibn Qadi Shuhba’s biographical dictionary
WÜSTENFELD, Ferdinand and Ibn Qadi SHUHBA.
Die Academien der Araber und ihre Lehrer. Nach Auszügen aus Ibn Schohba's Klassen der Schafeïten ...
Göttingen, Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht (colophon: printed by Friedrich Ernst Huth), 1837. 8vo. Publisher's original printed wrappers. VIII, 136; 22 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
Göttingen, Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht (colophon: printed by Friedrich Ernst Huth), 1837. 8vo. Publisher's original printed wrappers. VIII, 136; 22 pp. Full description