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Islamic Culture / Law & Politics

Photographs of Sheikh Zayed's state visits to Pakistan

[ABU DHABI – STATE VISITS TO PAKISTAN]. [Photograph archive and album. Album title]: Visit to Lahore of His Highness Skeikh Zayed bin Sultan Alnahayyani the ruler of Abudhabi (16th to 28th November, 1967).
[Pakistan, 1967-1971]. An archive of 183 photographs: 133 loose black and white photographic prints (ca. 30 x 25 cm), 30 smaller ones (ca. 5 x 6 cm) numbered and mounted together on a single sheet of paper, and 20 additional prints in the album. Further with numerous rolls of original medium format negatives.Original black half morocco album, green cloth sides with title and emblem of the United Bank Limited Pakistan on the front board. Full description
€ 75,000
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"Ruler of group of Islands"

[PHOTOGRAPHY - BAHRAIN]. HH Sheikh Hamad ibn Isa Al Khalifa with three other sheikhs.
Gulf region, 1920s. Black and white photograph (gelatin silver print, 8 x 7 cm) mounted on brown cardboard (9 x 8.5 cm). Captioned in white ink. Full description
€ 4,500
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Misconduct at Basra by VOC resident

[CANTER, Frans (subject)]. Deductie gedaan ... uit den name ende van wegens bewindhebberen van de Oost-Indische Compagnie ter kamer Amsterdam, eerst requiranten van appoinctement van anticipatie, en nu gedaagdens by mandament van revisie, ter eenre, op ende jegens Aaltje Fransse, weduwe van Cornelis Canter, Jan Canter, en Hendrik van Greuningen, als in huwelyk hebbende Anna Canter, zeggende te zyn moeder, broeder, en zwager respective, van Frans Canter, alle wonende te Amsterdam, ...
[Amsterdam, 1752]. Folio (31.5 x 20.5 cm). Side-stitched.
With: (2) Missive van de bewindhebberen van de generale Neederlandsche geoctroyeerde Oostindische Compagnie ter vergadering van Seeventienen.
[Amsterdam, 1758]. Folio (33 x 21 cm). Side-stitched. 28, [1 blank], [1]; 13, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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An account of the former King of Portugal’s visit to Morocco, the first book printed in Tangiers

COLAÇO, José Daniel. Viagem de Sua Magestade El Rei o Senhor Dom Fernando a Marrocos, seguido da descripção da entrega da Grão Cruz da Torre e Espada ao Sultão Sid Mohammed.
Tangiers, Abrines, 1882. 8vo. Modern maroon half morocco, preserving the original publisher's printed wrappers. VI, 122, [1 blank], [2], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,000
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Communism in the Middle East

[COMMUNIST ESSAYS]. [Collection of communist essays for the Arabic-speaking and Middle Eastern market].
China, Israel, Russia (USSR), United States, [various publishers], 1968-1984. 16 publications. Several fold-out maps and some works with photographic plates. Including (in chronological order):
(1) LANE-POOLE, Stanley. Coins of the Amawi Khalifehs. Catalogue of the collection of Oriental coins belonging to Col. C. Seton Guthrie.
Chicago, Argonaut Publishers, 1968.
(2) [SOVIET REVISIONISTS versus the CHINESE PEOPLE'S LIBERATION ARMY]. [Title in Arabic:] Down with the new tsars! Soviet revisionists' anti-China atrocities on the Heilung and Wusuli Rivers.
Beijing, Foreign Languages Press, 1969.
(3) [AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITTEE]. [Title in Arabic:] Search for peace in the Middle East: a report prepared for the American Friends Service Committee.
Philadelphia, 1970.
(4) [AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITTEE]. [Title in Hebrew:] Search for peace in the Middle East: a report prepared for the American Friends Service Committee.
Tel Aviv, 1970.
(5) [AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITTEE]. Search for peace in the Middle East: a report prepared for the American Friends Service Committee.
[New York], [Hill and Wang], 1970.
(6) [AMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITTEE]. Search for peace in the Middle East: a report prepared for the American Friends Service Committee.
New York, Hill and Wang, 1971.
(7) MAO ZEDONG. [Title in Arabic:] On the correct handling of contradictions among the people.
Beijing, Foreign Languages Press, 1971.
(8) MAO ZEDONG. [Title in Persian:] People of the world, unite and defeat the U.S. aggressors and all their running dogs!
Beijing, Foreign Language Press, 1971.
(9) MAO, ZEDONG. [Title in Persian:] Talks at the Yenan forum on literature and art.
Beijing, Foreign Languages Press, 1971.
(10) [1972 NEW YEAR'S DAY EDITORIAL?]. [Title in Arabic:] Unite to win still greater victories.
Beijing, Foreign Languages Press, 1972.
(11) [RENMIN RIBAO (editor)?]. [Title in Arabic:] A vicious motive, despicable tricks: a criticism of M. Antonioni's anti-China film "China".
Beijing, Foreign Languages Press, 1974.
(12) [NATIONAL PEOPLE'S CONGRESS - CHINA]. [Title in Arabic:] Documents of the first session of the fourth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China.
Beijing, Foreign Languages Press, 1975.
(13) LENIN, Vladimir Ilyich. [Title in Arabic:] A letter to American workers.
Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1978.
(14) LENIN, Vladimir Ilyich. [Title in Arabic:] Two tactics of social-democracy in the Democratic Revolution.
Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1978.
(15) ENGELS, Friedrich. [Title in Arabic:] Anti-Dühring.
Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1984.
(16) [REVOLUTIONARY INTERNATIONALIST MOVEMENT]. [Title in Arabic:] Declaration of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement.
Mainly works in their original publisher's printed paper wrappers, occasionally in a hardcover binding. Full description
€ 3,500
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Eyewitness account of a 1570 diplomatic mission to the Ottoman court,
with 28 fine original colour drawings and samples of Turkish decorated paper

[DIPLOMATIC MISSION]. BRAECKLE, Jacques de. Memoires du voiage de Constantinople de Jacques de Bracle seigneur de Bassecourt.
[Various places, [1570 or very soon after]. 4to (main text & decorated paper) & 8vo (transcription & drawings) (21.5 x 14.5 cm). Manuscript in French, written in brown ink on paper in a Flemish bastarda gothic hand, with about 26 lines per page. With 8 contemporary half-sheet specimens of Turkish decorated "silhouette" paper (folded to make 16 leaves in 2 quires), a series of 28 drawings in brown ink and coloured gouaches, highlighted in gold (mostly costume figures, some showing the Sultan and other leading figures, others showing anonymous types from various ethnic and religious groups), plus a ca. 1800, transcript of the complete text and biography of the author (with his arms in colour). Modern sheepskin parchment. [2 blank], [34]; [5 blank], [62 incl. a few blank], [1 blank] pp. plus 8 double leaves of decorated paper and [36], [4 blank]; [2], [2 blank] pp. of 18th-century additions. Full description
€ 180,000
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Portugal's political and economic decline, with extensive chapters on France and the Umayyad Caliphate

DULAC, Antonio Maximino. Genuina exposição do tremendo marasmo politico em que cahio Portugal, com desenganada indicação dos unicos remedios apropriados a' sua cura radical... Tomo I [-II].
Lisbon, Imprensa Nacional, 1834. 2 volumes bound as 1. 4to. With lithographed frontispiece, and a small woodcut Portuguese royal coat of arms on title-page of each part. Contemporary half sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. VIII, 219, [1 blank], [4]; 206, [6] pp. Full description
€ 2,800
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