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Horses & Hunting / Horses & Horsemanship

One of the chief equesterian works of the early modern period,
this edition with 61 newly-engraved illustration plates

LÖHNEISEN (LÖHNEYSS), Georg Engelhard. Neu-eröffnete Hof- Kriegs- und Reit-Schul, das ist: gründlicher Bericht della Cavalleria, oder von allen, was zur Reuterey gehörig und einem Cavalier davon zu wissen gebühret, ...
Nürnberg, Paul Lochner, 1729. 6 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With engraved frontispiece, engraved plate with the elaborately quartered coat-of-arms of the dedicatee, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach, and 61 engraved illustration plates (9 double-page, and many with 2 half-page illustrations per plate). 19th-century gold- and blind-tooled diced light brown calf, gold-tooled spine. [30], 66; 96; 114; 136; 144; 104, [8 (of 10)] pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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Educating the Austrian army in the anatomy of the horse, with 10 large colour plates

MACHOLD, Joseph (Josef). Zehn tafeln zur anatomie des Pferdes . . .
Vienna, the author "in Commission bei F. Paternos Nachfolger" (printed by Adolf Holzhausen), [1879]. Oblong 1mo (35×49 cm). With 10 numbered chromo-lithographed and double-tinted lithographed plates (35×49 cm), loose as issued. Original publisher's printed front wrapper preserved, back wrapper lacking. In a modern clamshell box. 15, [1 blank] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 4,500
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Manual of horse riding and breeding Arabian horses

MARKHAM, Gervase. Cavalarice, or the English horseman: ... Newly imprinted, corrected & augmented, with many worthy secrects not before knowne.
(title-page second part: London, Edward Allde for Adward White, 1616)-1617. 8 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With the title of each part printed within the same decorative woodcut border, numerous woodcut illustrations in text. Contemporary calf, rebacked, preserving original spine label. [16], 88; [4], 264 (=244); [4], 84; [4], 57, [1 blank]; [4], 58; [4], 67, [1 blank]; [4], 86; [4], 37, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 35,000
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Extensive work on Mosaic law, with a section on Arabian horses

MICHAELIS, Johann David. Mosaïsch recht, of de ziel der wetten van Moses; ...
Including: Byvoegsels en verbeteringen op het Mosaïsch recht, ... achter aan eenige byzonderheden over de oudste geschiedenisse der paarden en stoeteryen in Palaestine en de nabuurige landen, in zonderheid Aegypten en Arabien.
Haarlem, Jan van Walré, 1781-1782 (parts 1-2); Jan Bosch, 1774-1776 (parts 3-6), 1778 (part 7). 7 parts in 3 volumes. 8vo. Contemporary, uniform half calf, gold-tooled spines. [12] 346; [14], 464; [10], 259, [1 blank]; [8], 414, [2 blank]; [8], 342; [2], CXXXII, 322, [4]; [6], 210, [2] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Travel by carriage and its mishaps in the early Victorian English countryside

NEWHOUSE, Charles B. The roadsters album.
London, George Thomas Fores & Arthur Blücher Fores, 1845. Large folio (38 x 28.5 cm). With an extensively illustrated aquatint title-page, unsigned, but drawn by Henry Thomas Alken (1785-1851), and 16 aquatint plates drawn by Newhouse. Title-page and plates coloured in great detail by a contemporary hand in opaque gouaches and watercolours, and highlighted with shellac. Gold-tooled, red morocco for Henry Arthur Johnstone (ca. 1900), leather endleaves with Johnstone's 1899 blind-stamped ex-libris, top edge gilt. Full description
€ 18,000
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An elaborate compilation of available literature on horsemanship, with 26 engraved plates

PINTER VON DER AU, Johann Christoph. Neuer, vollkommener, verbesserter und ergäntzter Pferd-Schatz.
Frankfurt am Main, Johann Philipp Andrea for Georg Heinrich Oehrling, 1688. 2 parts in 1 volume. Small folio (31.5 x 20.5 cm). With engraved frontispiece and 25 engraved folding plates (with figures numbered 1-40). 19th-century half calf. [2], 456, [8] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Beautifully hand-coloured proofs of very rare prints of stud horses

PIRSCHER, Karl Dietrich. Abbildungen Herzoglich-Braunschweigischer Gestüt-Pferde ... 1tes Heft.
Braunschweig, 1827-1828. Oblong 1mo (47.5 x 63 cm). First instalment of 6 lithographed plates of horses, plus 1 additional lithographed view, all beautifully coloured by a contemporary hand with highlights in gum arabic, and including two with the captions and artists name in manuscript. All loosely preserved in a proof state of the original publisher's lithographed paper wrappers, including a list of plates. Preserved in a modern portfolio. Full description
€ 75,000
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Only copy located of a hand-coloured print series of Arabian horses, after drawings made in Baghdad

RICH, Claudius James and Siegmund Ferdinand von PERGER. Sammlung und Darstellung verschiedener Pferde intressanter Zuchten, Landeskarten und Rassen ...
Vienna, Müllersche Kunsthandlung, 1815. Oblong folio (31 x 42.5 cm). Engraved print series, including a title-page engraved by Dorneck and 6 numbered engravings of horses engraved by Siegmund Ferdinand von Perger, hand-coloured and loose as issued. [1], VI engraved ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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