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Complete book III of 1498 edition of Ibn Sina’s great masterpiece, in contemporary Renaissance bindings

IBN SINA (AVICENNA). Canon medicinae [= al-Qanun].
Lyon, Jean Trechsel & Johann Klein, 24 December 1498. 2 volumes. Folio (ca. 31 × 42 cm). With a diagrammatic woodcut.Contemporary blind- and gold-tooled calf over wooden boards, sewn on 4 double supports, one volume with 2 brass clasps (and traces on the other volume). 379; 357 ll. Full description
€ 125,000
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Monumental work, covering every aspect of the history, nature and craft of pearls, pearl fishing & cultivation bound for presentation by the author to Miss Julia Halsey Munson, head of Tiffanys jewelry workshop

KUNZ, George Frederick and Charles Hugh STEVENSON. The book of the pearl. The history, art, science, and industry of the queen of gems
New York, The Century Co., 1908. 4to. Colour frontispiece, 99 plates including 17 in color and one engraved, Citron crushed levant gilt, title in six compartments with five raised bands and gold tooling and gilt lettering, board edges and turn-ins gilt. [XIX], 548 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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La Borde's famous and richly illustrated encyclopaedic account of music,
with essays on the music of Egypt, Turkey, Persia and Arabia

LA BORDE, Jean-Benjamin de. Essai sur la musique ancienne et moderne.
With: (2) [LA BORDE, Jean-Benjamin de]. Mémoires sur les proportions musicales, le genre énarmonique des Grecs et celui des modernes ... Supplément a l'Essai sur la musique.
Paris, printed by Denys Pierres and sold by Eugène Onfroy, 1780-1781. 2 works in 4 volumes. 4to. Each title-page with engraved vignette, numerous engraved head- and tailpieces, letterpress music notes, 3 folding letterpress tables and 463 engraved plates (several folding). Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spines. Full description
€ 14,000
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Photo album with 250 images of Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Iran and Iraq,
compiled by a member of Paiforce in the 1940s

MEKELBURG, Corporal George (compiler). [Album of 250 photographs of the Middle East].
[Habbinya?, ca. 1944]. Ca. 20 x 16 cm. With 250 gelatin silver prints (various sizes), mounted on the leaves of a ruled notebook. Contemporary quarter black cloth, blue waterered paper sides, blue sprinkled edges. [85] ll. Full description
€ 2,000
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First edition of two of the most important works on twilight and optics

NUNES, Pedro. De crepusculis liber unus, nu[n]c rece[n]s & natus et editus.Including: [Abu 'Abd Allah Muhammad ibn MU'ADH] (mis-attributed to Ibn AL-HAYTHAM). De causis crepusculorum liber unus, à Gerardo Cremonensi iam olim Latinita te donatus, nunc vero omniu[m] primum in lucem editus.
(Colophon: Lisbon, Ludovicus Rodericus, January 1542). 4to. With woodcut architectural title-page with an arch containing putti and mythological figures (including 2 winged female fauns holding drapery, with the Royal Portuguese coat of arms at the foot and an armillary sphere at the head, 40 woodcut diagrams concerning astronomy, spherical geometry, optics and geodessy in the text, Rodericus's spectacular full-page emblematic woodcut device (a dragon with the motto "salus vitae" on a banderole), numerous woodcut initials (several series), and a vine-leaf ornament (a variant of Vervliet 94?). Set mostly in the first successful italic type to have sloped capitals, cut by Peter Schoeffer the younger, but with extensive passages in roman. Bound in a period-style Italian calf binding, gold-tooled spine, each board with a blind-tooled frame and a gold-tooled centrepiece, with "Petri Nonii" on the front and "MDXLII" on the back. [73], [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 75,000
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Nineteen trade treaties with the Orient

[OTTOMAN EMPIRE - TREATY ARTICLES]. [Collection of treaty articles relating to commercial transactions of subjects of the Austrian state in the Ottoman Empire]. Avusturya devleti tebaasinin Memalik-i Osmaniyede ticaretlerine ait mevadd-i ahdiyye mecmuasidir.
Vienna, Dar tiba al-imberaturiyy (k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei), 1846.
With: Raccolta dei trattati e delle principali convenzioni concernanti il commercio e la navigazione dei sudditi Austriaci negli Stati della Porta Ottomana.
Vienna, Dar tiba al-imberaturiyy (k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei), 1844. Large 8vo. Printed in black with red headings, within printed gilt rules. Illuminated head-piece and unwan printed in three colours and gilt, in imitation of manuscript illumination. Gilt tail-piece. Contemporary green morocco binding with fore-edge flap, covers giltstamped with an oriental design. All edges gilt. 88; [4], VIII, 224 pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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